By adding instructions for how you’d like your order shopped or delivered, you can let your shopper know that you’d prefer greener bananas—or help them find your apartment to drop off your order!

Item instructions

You can add item instructions from your cart, on the checkout page, or even after you’ve placed your order (but before it’s been shopped). 

  • From your cart—click or tap Instructions on the item you’d like to leave a note for
  • From the checkout page—click or tap Review to review items and add Instructions
  • After you’ve ordered—visit the Order page to review your items and add any instructions

Item instructions carry over to future orders. If your item preferences change, make sure to review your notes if you order the same items in the future. 

Replacement instructions

Sometimes the item you want might be out of stock. When this happens, you have some options—

  • Replace with best match: Your shopper will be prompted to select the best possible replacement for your item. This is the default option for when your item’s aren’t available. 
  • Choose replacement: To select your own replacement for an item, tap or click on the item, then on Choose replacement to search the catalog or choose a replacement from a list of suggestions.  
  • Don’t replace: If you’d prefer not to replace an item, choose Don’t replace to get a refund instead when the item is out of stock. 

Keep in mind that you’ll be refunded or charged for the difference in price on any replacement items.

If you have order notifications turned on while your order is active, you’ll receive alerts when an item is replaced or refunded by your shopper.

Delivery instructions

Adding delivery instructions can help shoppers deliver your order quickly. Your delivery driver will see these instructions when they start heading your way. 

Useful info to include—

  • Parking locations
  • Building security or gate information
  • Specific directions for hard-to-locate front doors
  • Any markers on your home that might help the shopper find the best entrance

You can add delivery instructions while placing the order, after placing the order (but before your order is shopped), or when adding an address to your account. 

If your shopper is already working on your order, you’ll need to contact your shopper directly. Learn about contacting your shopper.